Google Ads Advertising in Seahouses

  • Need more visitors to your website fast?
  • Looking for higher visibility on the web?
  • Desperate for more online sales / enquiries?
  • Competitors appearing higher than you in the Google search results?

If the answer is yes - we can help you - call 0844 448 0444 now for a no obligation chat with one of our Google advertising specialists.

Google Advertising - What are your options and why is it beneficial to advertise on Google?

Google advertising is about making your company / brand visible within the Internet's most used search engine, to attract new visitors to your website. Google advertising helps business owners meet their online marketing goals such as generating leads, sales or simply building awareness and delivering the right message to their online audience.

Google Ads advertising is very effective and easy to measure the results.

What Google advertising services can we provide your business?

Google Sponsored Ads advertising - also known as pay-per-click & Google Ads advertising.

Google sponsored ads are those small text adverts that appear at the top of the search results. Google Ads ads also appear down the right hand side of the search results too. There are a maximum of three at the top left and 7 down the right hand side.

These ads are triggered to appear when specific keyword search terms are entered into the search box. Ads Advertisers select terms that are relevant to their products and services, create ads, and select other settings such as when they want them to appear (times of day, days of week etc) and location targeting.

With this form of Google advertising, you pay only when people click your advert and visit on your website. Hence the term "pay-per-click advertising". This is very cost effective when campaigns are created properly and the right search terms are used, which is what we are experts at.

Click here to find out more about our pay-per-click (PPC) advertising services.

More Google options

Google local business listings & Google map advertising

A powerful form of google advertising, in particular for businesses who provide more localised services, such as plumbers, hair salons etc, or for accommodation providers such as B & B's, hotels etc.

These local ads appear when a search is made using a place name or location / post code. You will notice these listings appear below the top Sponsored Ads and above the natural search results. There will be a picture of a location map showing the location of the business, and to the right the listings with highlighted icons next to them. Searches can either click to visit the advertisers website or click the "places page" link for more information about the advertiser, such as opening times, directions or to find out more by reading their profile. More often than not, people tend to click straight through to the advertisers website.

Again, like all forms of Google advertising, these listings are keyword targeted, but unlike Sponsored Ads, advertisers are limited to only 5 categories to describe themselves.

There is no "per-click" charge for these listings, we simply charge a one off "set-up fee" to create the listing, payable once the listing appears in the top results (first page). And then an on-going monthly fee to maintain the adverts position and make tweaks where needed to keep the listing fresh and appealing.

Contact us now to find out more about this low-cost, yet powerful form of Google advertising. Call 0844 448 0444 and speak with one of our highly skilled consultants.

Natural / Organic search results

These are the main search results you get, no matter what is searched for, the organic search results are websites ranked in order of relevancy based on Google's search criteria. Again, sites appear depending on the keywords searched for and the order they are listed depends on many factors. these include:

  • Meta information within the source code of a website. This includes a title, description and a set of descriptive keywords
  • Page content, including header tags, paragraph content, lay out, keyword density, grammar, use of image and text alt tags.
  • Site link and navigation structure.
  • Incoming links from other websites.

The method of raising a website into higher natural search positions is known as search engine optimisation or SEO, and is without a doubt one of the best ways of advertising on Google, when done right!

The cost of this form of Google advertising is dependant on many factors and is usually charged on a monthly basis at a set rate arrange between the advertiser and optimisation consultant. Contact us to find out more.

Contact Us Today

Call 01524 37900 now to speak with one of our Google advertising specialists, our experienced and professional team are there to listen, gain an understanding of your business and goals, and will develop a strategy, that if you like, can be implemented right away.

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